Chandidas Mahavidyalaya




In such a aided college body of students is named as Students’ council. It is regulated and guided by the West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Composition, Functions and Procedure for Election of Students Council) Rules-2017.



  • This body is only of the students who have enrolled   and attended at least 60% of total no. of classes in an academic year and be non defaulter in payment of any kind of fees to the college
  • Tenure of the body is 2 years
  • The date and time of election shall be such as may be specified by the state Govtt. time to time
  • Composition: i) President-Shall be as nominated by the Principal from amongst the teachers of the college ii) Vice President- The Vice President shall be nominated from amongst the teachers by the T.C iii) G.S-shall be elected by the elected class representative of all classes at the 1st meeting of the Students’ council iv) Two A.G.S.- shall be elected by the elected class representatives of all classes v) Ten Asstt . secretaries to look after various departments –Cultural, NSS, NCC ,Games & Sports etc. vi) Treasurer-shall be nominated by the Principal from amongst the teachers of the college in the 1st meeting of the St. Council vii) All other class representatives will as general members
  • Convener-Convener of the meeting of the Students’ council   by the President or Vice President in the absence of the President
  • Time of the holding of meeting- After the academic hours of the college